BANGLADESH | Sirajganj Dual Fuel Combined Cycle Power Plant
Streamlining the efforts to light up Bangladesh
Construction of the Sirajganj Dual Fuel Combined Cycle Power Plant is a part of a major plan to supply reliable power to the localities in Bangladesh. The power plants were expected to play a prominent role in the socio-economic development in the nation while meeting the demand for electricity presented in the localities. The Sirajganj Dual Fuel Combined Cycle Power Plant that commenced its operations at a capacity of 150MW was later upgraded to 225MW under the authority of Bangladesh Power Development Board.
Ärk was required to transport an item of 70,000 CBM / 400MW ± 10% to the Chittagong Port. The task also included offloading of the equipment according to a meticulously designed, time-precise scheme designed by Ärk’s expert engineers and specialists.

Sirajganj Dual Fuel Combined Cycle Power Plant, Bangladesh