MOROCCO | The Moroccan Solar Plan (MSP)
UPCOMING: Morocco Solar Plan (MSP)
Launched in 2009, The Moroccan Solar Plan (MSP), has an initial estimated investment cost of USD 9 billion. The plan intends to achieve reduction of emissions of CO² by 3.7 million tonnes on an annual basis. The Government of Morocco has established a goal of reaching 42% of installed capacity which is equivalent to 6000 MW, from renewable energy by the year of 2020 along with a goal of reaching 52% of installed capacity from renewable energy by 2030. In the year 2016, Morocco successfully reached 34% of the targeted installed capacity of renewable energy. In order to aid in reaching the aforementioned targets, the Government of Morocco imposed a law establishing MASEN effective from March 2010.

The MSP aims to reap advantageous outcomes of the region’s abundance of solar resources and install a minimum of 2,000 MW of solar capacity by the year 2020 thus contributing to approximately 14% of the energy mix in the supply of nation’s electricity.

Further phases of the NOORo solar complex are under construction with commissioning expected in 2018. These include:
Two solar CSP plants: Noor Ouarzazate II with 200 MW capacity; and Noor Ouarzazate III with 150 MW capacity. One solar PV plant (part of the NOOR PVI program): Noor Ouarzazate IV with 72 MW capacity.
Ärk shall be commencing its contribution to the NOORo solar complex in the upcoming year of 2019.